Thursday, November 18, 2010

"HOLY SHIT!" This Band Sucks.

Though an article posted on MetalSucks was posted in a similar vain to this one, I just couldn't help but post something about one of the most obnoxiously stupid bands of our generation.  Monsters is some sort of retarded abomination of deathcore, metalcore, and pure lack of musical talent.  

I tried checking their MySpace to hear some of their tracks, but their music player wasn't working.  A friend of mine quickly hooked me up with the shitty video above.  All I ask, is that you go into this video ready to be pissed off and/or elated at how much these guys suck.  I've listened to the track about five times now, hoping to find some semblance of an undertone that could stand as evidence that these guys were doing more than just chugging stupidly in a recording studio for a month.  Those undertones never came.  You know what this means - They actually are as shitty as they sound.  Whoops!  I guess someone forgot to bring a brain and creativity to the drawing board this time around.

So, unless you are into this shitty new-wave of brainless breakdown after brainless breakdown, don't check these guys out.  Hopefully the less support these shitty bands get, the more opportunity there is that they will go away forever.  Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing trend in the metal scene.  We can only pray these dumb-asses eventually smarten up.

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