Band: Vulvectomy
Album: Post-Abortion Slut Fuck
Genre: Brutal Death Metal (Slam)
What can be expected from a band that takes it's name from a medical procedure in which a surgeon removes a woman's vagina? Pretty much what you expect from every other slam band out there today: Guttural vocals, crunchy guitars, blast beats, audio samples and lots of slams. For those who are unaware, a "slam" is essentially brutal death metal's version of a breakdown, except that a slam offers a lot more groove, and a lot less shame to the listener. Bands like Vulvectomy are defined by how good their slams are. So, what is the band bringing to their 2010 release "Post-Abortion Slut Fuck"?
Lets be honest. Brutal death/slam is by no means the thinking-man's metal. It has a reputation for being rather retarded. So, lets not delve too deeply into the smarts of this album, and get to what the true fans are wondering about (if you still haven't heard the album by the time this review came out): The slams! As far as originality goes, Vulvectomy did the best they could to generate some good grooves that kept the audience listening. Tracks like "Eugenic Sterilization" and "Gangrenous Testicular Deformity" display fresh slams that not only allow the listener to enjoy the music, but distinguish it from other tracks as well. Though it's not the best slam release that I've heard, it definitely separates itself from the heard of mindless bands that are churning this stuff out. For a frame of reference as to what shitty slam sounds like, I suggest The Slamburglars. But I digress. What else, if anything, makes this album worth your time?
Not that this is one of the things slam fans generally care too much about while listening, but the grind-ish death metal riffs in between slams are only up to par on this album. While some credit can be given, especially to the drummer, for musical talent during these passages, all of the riffs just kind of meld together, and can really throw you off as to what track your on. All I'm saying is that this aspect of the album doesn't compliment it as well as it could have. It's not exactly a bad thing, since they don't suck, but it isn't exactly a good thing since they aren't extraordinary by any means.
One thing that I was glad to hear was the firm tone of the guttural vocals on the album. True there isn't much variety when it comes to guttural growls (unless you're talking about Heinous Killings), but front-man Diego Fanelli does a great job of delivering a good tone and consistency to his vocal contributions on the album. It takes the album up a few notches, personally speaking.
As far as the production goes on this album, I was a tad disappointed. The album sounded a little too polished for my taste. While the audio clarity gives the listener an opportunity to better distinguish the musical aspect of the album, it also somewhat robs the type of raw, gritty experience you could get while listening to Devourment's "Molesting The Decapitated." I'm not sure if I consider this a downside to the album, so the issue shall remain neutral. In the end, it all comes down to preference.
My final gripe about this album is the choice of audio samples. They just aren't as deprived as they seemed to be on Vulvectomy's first full-length "Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation." The samples provided on this album just feel too dry, and lacking in either a punch-line or disturbing essence. It was definitely a let-down. But, luckily, samples don't make an album, so it isn't that detrimental to the album as a whole.
The final verdict on this album: Go get it. It's definitely a noteworthy contribution to the genre of brutal death/slam, and can definitely be listened to multiple times. I'm not sure that it surpasses "Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation," but it is a solid album for any fans of Vulvectomy or slam in general. So, get in touch with your primal urges to kill, defile and degrade the purity of human life. Go out and get this album!
Score: 7.5/10
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